Pope Francis to celebrate Mass for Latin America on Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

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Every Dec. 12, the pope celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of Mexico and Latin America. This year will be no exception.

With a limited number of participants, and respecting physical distancing, Pope Francis will entrust to Our Lady of Guadalupe all of Latin America, during these difficult moments of the pandemic.

The Mass will begin at 11 a.m., (Rome time), and will be preceded by the praying of the Rosary.

Diplomatic representatives from Latin American countries accredited to the Holy See will participate. There will also be a delegation of Latin American seminarians and priests studying in Rome, as well as representatives of the Eternal City's Latin American community.

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Vatican is a special moment of prayer for the region.

“She wanted to be seen as a 'mestiza,' a 'mixed' race, not only with Juan Diego or with the people. She became a 'mestiza' to show she's the mother of everyone. She became a 'mestiza' with humanity. Why? Because she made God a 'mestizo.' That is the great mystery. Mother Mary makes God a 'mestizo', true God and true man, her Son.”

Recently, the pope asked that “the crisis, far from separating us, help us recover and value the awareness of this shared 'mestizaje' that makes us brothers and sisters and makes us sons and daughters of the same Father.”

Daniel Díaz Vizzi
Translation: CT

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