U.S. bishops thank Pope Francis for transparency shown with McCarrick Report

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The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops welcomed the McCarrick Report presented by the Holy See. When the former nuncio in the United States, Carlo Viganò, accused the pope of covering up McCarrick's crimes, 24 bishops joined him, in varying degrees, to call for clarification and facts.

The conference's president, Arch. José Gómez, says the bishops are “studying” the published “findings.” He also expresses support for the pope for his “pastoral concern” and “his leadership in calling the Church to greater accountability and transparency.”

He says the facts presented in the McCarrick Report are “another tragic chapter in the Church's long struggle to confront the crimes of sexual abuse by clergy.” That's why José Gómez expresses his closeness to the victims of the former archbishop of Washington and to all survivors of sexual abuse by the clergy.

He also expresses his “profound sorrow and deepest apologies” as he and all the U.S. bishops renew their commitment to ending abuse within the Church.

Javier Romero

Translation: CT

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