Pope at Audience: Prayer should be the first desire of the day

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The pope reflected on how Jesus, even in moments of success, 'never neglected his dialogue with the Father.'

Following Jesus' example, the pope continued his catechesis, emphasizing four main characteristics of prayer and the importance of following those examples. 'Let us, then, learn from Jesus, the master of prayer,' explained the pope.


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

In our continuing catechesis on prayer, we now consider how Jesus himself prayed, for this reveals key aspects of how we also are to pray. Even when immersed in caring for the people, Christ never neglected his dialogue with the Father, which guided allthat he did and taught. In solitary prayer he nurtured a loving intimacy with his Father, an intimacy for which we too yearn. From our Lord’s example, we see that prayer first means listening, and encountering God: the primary desire of each day. 

Second, we need to pray with perseverance, so that it can become a rule of life, gradually transforming us and, by God’s grace, strengthening and sustaining us in times of tribulation. 

Third, solitude and silence are essential for prayer, not in order to escape from the world but, on the contrary, to help us open ourselves more effectively to the needs of others. Finally, prayer reminds us that everything depends on God. This leads us to recover the proper sense of our relationship with him and with the whole of creation. Let us, then, learn from Jesus, the master of prayer – who alone can grant us true joy and peace. 

Santo Padre: Saluto cordialmente i fedeli di lingua inglese. In questo mese di novembre preghiamo specialmente per le persone care che ci hanno lasciato e per tutti i defunti, perché il Signore, nella sua misericordia, li accolga al banchetto della vita eterna. Su di voi e sulle vostre famiglie invoco la gioia del Signore Gesù Cristo. Dio vi benedica! 


I cordially greet the English-speaking faithful. In this month of November, let us pray especially for our deceased loved ones, and for all who have died, that the Lord in his mercy will welcome them to the banquet of eternal life. Upon you and your families I invoke the joy of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you.

Javier Romero

Translation: Christian Campos

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