Vatican briefs nuncios on pope's words about civil unions

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The Vatican sent this clarification to its nuncios to put into context the pope's remarks about civil unions.

Some nuncios, like the pope's representative in Mexico, published the statement on social media.

The text appears without the Vatican's official stamp.

It explains for instance that the pope's words “were edited and published as a single answer without the proper contextualization.”

Regarding civil unions, it says the documentary director removed a sentence from the pope's remarks.

Pope Francis supposedly said that “it is an incongruity to speak about homosexual marriage.”

Nevertheless, the director kept the one referring to these people's right to certain legal protections.

According to the document, “It is clear that Pope Francis was referring to certain provisions made by states, and certainly not to the doctrine of the Church, reaffirmed numerous times over the years.”

Technically the text is a circular letter. It's an initial clarification that doesn't completely close this matter.

Anuncio en el que salen 3 ordenadores marca Medion y algunas especificaciones
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