General Audience: Pope says world needs to be healed of “social ills”

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During the general audience, Pope Francis continued his efforts in reminding Christians that they are called to care for the most poor and vulnerable.

The Pope reflected on the current world situation reminding the faithful that the world needs to be healed not only of the present virus but also of the “social ills of inequality, injustice and exclusion.” He added that following the teachings of solidarity, subsidiarity, and respect for human dignity will help create a society that prioritizes its poorest and most vulnerable. 


“Dear Brothers and Sisters, in the series of catecheses that concludes today, we have reflected on the effects of the current pandemic in the light of the Church’s social doctrine. 

Our world needs to be healed not only of the present virus, but also of the “social ills” of inequality, injustice and exclusion that afflict so many of our brothers and sisters in the human family. In the light of Christ’s teaching, we have seen the importance of solidarity, subsidiarity and respect for human dignity for the shaping of a society in accord with the values of God’s Kingdom, a society that gives priority to its poorest and most vulnerable members, and to the responsible stewardship of the goods of creation.

Just as Jesus brought physical and spiritual healing to the sick, so we too are called to bring the Gospel’s healing power to the task of creating a more just, inclusive and participatory society at every level. In this way, by God’s grace, we will emerge from the present crisis with renewed hope for the building of a world ever more consistent with our human dignity and lofty vocation.”

I cordially greet the English-speaking faithful, especially the new seminarians who have arrived in Rome to begin their years of formation. May the Lord sustain their efforts to be faithful servants of the Gospel. Upon all of you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you!

Christian Campos

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