After many months, the pope resumed his meetings with some of his favorite pilgrims: kids.
On this occasion, his guests were members of a center for children with autism. They came from Austria, and some, like this little girl, seemed very much at home.
The center is called Sonnenschein, which means “sunshine.” The pope explained that the name evokes a field bathed in sunlight, full of flowers, and that those flowers represent each of them. He said each of them is precious, unique and special, like the flowers.
“Each of us is precious in God's eyes, and He loves us very much. This makes us feel the need to say to God, 'Thank you!'”
The pope spoke to them with simple terms, but with a profound meaning. He also told them they can pray to Jesus and ask Him for things.
“For example, 'Good Jesus, could you help mom and dad at work? Could you make grandma better because she's sick? Could you help children all around the world who don't have anything to eat?' Or maybe, 'Jesus, I ask you to help the pope to guide the Church well.' If you ask with faith, the Lord really listens to you.”
Lastly, Pope Francis thanked parents and educators for their work with these children, and he gave them a blessing in German.
Translation: CT