Nurses and midwives from Malta give Pope Francis scrub top signed by medical staff

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A delegation from the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses flew to Rome mid-September to meet Pope Francis after one of his General Audiences. It was a meeting they and the Ambassador of Malta to the Holy See, Frank Zammit, had been looking forward to since last year, and they didn't come empty-handed.

President, Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses
“It's a tunic worn by the nurses in Malta, and as a sign of appreciation, it's signed by many nurses. We couldn't put all the signatures of all the nurses. It was signed by the nurses in the wards working with patients.”

Paul Pace, president of the MUMN, says Pope Francis' support offers encouragement to health professionals, who might feel overburdened, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

President, Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses
“Sometimes we don't see the dignity of the patient, the compassion of the patient. It's like more like sometimes unfortunately like a conveyor belt, where patients come in and go, just getting the service, without getting what we call the human touch, where you can speak, where the patient can express his feelings, which nowadays has become a great loss.”

The WHO designated 2020 as the year of the nurse and midwife, which makes this visit by the delegation from Malta all the more significant.

Of course, they couldn't leave without getting Pope Francis to wear the skullcap, which will surely be a reminder of his support for all nurses and midwives in Malta.

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