Vatican proposes helping tourist industry

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The Vatican has published its message for the 41st World Tourism Day, which is celebrated on Sept. 27.

The coronavirus has made this year catastrophic for the tourist industry. That's why the message is a reminder that many jobs have been and will be lost. Nevertheless, it's also an invitation to not fall into the paralysis of pessimism.

The text, signed by Card. Peter Turkson, insists on the need to support tourism so it can stay afloat, especially for the sake of families whose livelihood depends on this industry. He doesn't just ask authorities, but every Catholic, starting with bishops. It's a call to meet the needs of workers in the sector who have lost their main source of income because of the coronavirus crisis.

The Vatican also proposes focusing on rural and domestic tourism, rediscovering hidden or lost places and doing so in a sustainable and rational manner. In this way, tourism can become a tool and a source of income for rural economies. It would be a solution to lessen the economic disparity the pandemic has brought out.

That's why the Vatican invites political leaders to promote responsible tourism that respects the environment and cultures.

Translation: CT

Anuncio en el que salen 3 ordenadores marca Medion y algunas especificaciones
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