Today, the pope signed a new law to regulate the Vatican's awarding of contracts for goods and services.
Starting today, contracts will be more transparent. Companies with records of fraud or corruption, and those residing in countries with privileged tax regimes will not be allowed to participate. Furthermore, the updated lists of prices will be published every six months.
President, Vatican Tribunal
“It's a renewed and decisive commitment against corruption, a battle at the center of Pope Francis' discourses and interventions.”
Expert of International Law
“It will guarantee the Holy See's continued improvement in carrying out its international obligations, in terms of transparency, combating corruption and avoiding any conflict of interests that could affect competition.”
Starting today, the names of those authorized to be members of the selection board will be made public. Incompatible characteristics include a familial relationship up to the fourth degree and affinity up to the second degree.
The legislative text is the result of four years of work. It conforms to the principles outlined at the 2003 UN Convention Against Corruption.
In addition to making the process more just, the new law will help prevent squandering resources in these times of economic crisis.
Translation: CT