Agape Catholic Ministries: Online marriage, baptism and quinceañera prep

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Preparing spiritually for baptism, quinceañeras and marriage have never been easier. With a completely online platform, Agape Catholic Ministries, is bringing Church fo rmation to the comfort of one's living room.

All of their programs are based on Theology of the Body and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while respecting age and the sacramental needs of each program.

Founder, Agape Catholic Ministries
If you ask what is our most popular program, it's really the Catholic marriage prep. We follow thousands of couples, every year, worldwide. It's based on Theology of the Body. It's deeply spiritual. It includes life skills. It allows each couple to discuss each and every topic in depth, with the one-on-one guidance of their trained instructor couple.

Founder, Apage Catholic Ministries
“Some engaged couples even offered the marriage-prep program to their own parents, who are married, for Christmas.”

Co-founders Christian and Christine Meert began Agape Ministries in 1999 after the Archdiocese of Denver asked them to help families. Soon after, in 2003, they switched to online classes for couples.

Founder, Apage Catholic Ministries
So we worked with them, one-on-one by email and we were amazed at the awesome results. They were opening up, discussing all the topics together in-depth. They were taking the time to process everything. It was amazing!“

The Meert's say over the years they have seen couples participate in the marriage course and then follow-up with the baptism course when their children are born. They say it's a testimony of how great the class can be, when couples take their time.

Now with everyone stuck inside, this is the perfect way of teaching and accompanying Catholics in some of the most important sacraments in the Church. 


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