25% of U.S. seminaries open: respecting CDC guidelines and praying for world

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While the world is on lockdown and priests and bishops cannot celebrate Mass, in the U.S. around 25 percent of seminaries are still open. St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boyton Beach, Fl. is one of them with more than 80 seminarians and 14 priest faculty.

Msgr. Toups, seminary rector for eight years, says after consulting healthcare officials, they decided their seminarians would be safest at their 70-acre seminary.

Rector, St. Vincent de Paul seminary
“Safest on so many levels. One physically. Two spiritually that our seminarians are continuing to be in formation to receive the sacraments on a daily basis. To continue with their studies, spiritual director formation, advising and really take to heart this moment in time of the need for prayer for our world.'

They practice social distancing, placing sticky notes on the pews in the chapel to make sure each person sits far enough apart. The only staff is the kitchen staff, who take their temperature each day before coming in. 

Seminarians also have noticed various changes.

Seminarian, Diocese of St. Petersburg
Our seminary actually brought on to the faculty, a priest who graduated and was ordained last year, who once had a career in the fire department who was an EMT for over 20 years. So now he is here on campus, as well to help us as a community just in the event that any need would arise.

Seminarian, Archdiocese of Atlanta
We have masks that each of the seminarians have and so we're encouraged to wear those you know, at necessary times. We've been taking more responsibility in cleaning, doing cleaning of the chapel and high-traffic areas. The chapel and the refectory, the cafeteria, classrooms.

But it's not only social distancing and prayer. For some, their ordination to priesthood has been postponed as a result of the coronavirus. Transitional deacons Adam and Connor were both to become priests this May 2020. 

Seminarian, Diocese of Orlando and Army Chaplain
I really look forward to that day when I can be ordained. However, I understand that where we are right now, I'm being ordained to a particular people at a particular point in time. And if that means that being delayed, then I trust them God and I trust that that's where I need to be.

Seminarian, Diocese of St. Petersburg
Not only is the ordination postponed, but it's postponed, hopefully to a date that will be far enough into the future where the the brunt of the pandemic will have dissipated.

In the midst of this time, the seminarians say they are receiving the sacraments with a truly grateful heart, since so many do not have access right now. 

Seminarian, Diocese of Orlando and Army Chaplain
The desire to come to the Eucharist, to hear their confessions heard, but are incapable of it because of these times. It allows a different dimension that I've never thought of before.

Rector, St. Vincent de Paul seminary
“For us to remain quarantine there will come a time when, when our seminarians ordained they will be on the front lines. But for right now our job, our pastoral ministry is to prepare well for the priesthood of Jesus Christ.”

Like everyone, they look forward to the day when life will return to normal. But until that time, rest assured of the seminarians’ prayers and continued formation, to better serve the faithful when this pandemic is over. 

Melissa Butz

*Please note that outside of the interview itself, images were filmed before COVID-19 social distancing rules were put in place. 

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