The pope met with the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Vatican body which promotes and coordinates academic initiatives. It is in charge of organizing a conference taking place May 14, at the request of Pope Francis. The goal is to form a global educational pact.
The education pact shouldn't simply be a set of rules. It shouldn't be a “reconstruction” of the positivism we have received from the Enlightenment. It needs to be revolutionary.
Pope Francis says education is a dynamic reality, a movement which brings light to people.
One aspect of education is that it is an ecological movement. It's one of its strengths in moving toward a wholesome education. Education that has at its center the person in his or her integral reality, has the purpose of bringing him or her to the knowledge of him- or herself, of the common home in which he or she lives, and above all to the discovery of fraternity.
He said one of the main qualities needed to promote the global educational pact is courage, to reach the pact's objectives, put the person at the center, serve the community and pay educators properly.
Daniel Díaz Vizzi
Translation: Claudia Torres