The pope arrived very early to the audience hall in the Vatican. He joked with many of the pilgrims waiting for him.
With this group, for example, he exchanged his white cap.
In his catechesis, he proposed a simple but effective way of preparing for Christmas: setting up a Nativity scene.
The Nativity scene reminds us of something essential: that God didn't remain invisible in heaven. Rather, he came to earth. He became man, a child. Setting up the Nativity scene is celebrating the closeness of God.
He says this tradition shows an attitude essential to Christians. It is contemplating what is truly important in life.
When we set up the Nativity scene, it is as if we open the door and say, Come in, Jesus. It means making concrete this closeness, this invitation to Jesus to come into our lives. If He lives in our lives, he is born again. So that is truly Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.
The pope wished a Merry Christmas to everyone he greeted.
As a surprise, this band from Tyrol gifted the people with this melody, which made the pope smile.
Javier Martínez-Brocal
Translation: Claudia Torres