KEYS: What the pope says about euthanasia

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In the last few years, euthanasia has become a worldwide debate. Stories such as those about Vincent Lambert or little Alfie Evans have become symbols of the fight against this practice.

Its defenders promote it as a “good death,” while passing over some essential questions.

Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has not stopped denouncing “throwaway culture” in its different forms. One of them is euthanasia.

These are the five points to understand regarding Pope Francis' message.

1. It does not promote personal freedom

In September of 2019, Pope Francis spoke strong words against euthanasia during a meeting with Italian oncologists.

The pope lamented that this practice is disguised as an option for personal freedom, when in reality it is a way to eliminate people who are considered useless.

“The practice of euthanasia, which has already been legalized in several countries, apparently is intended to promote personal freedom. In reality, it is based on a utilitarian view of the person. They are seen as useless or equated with a cost, if from the medical point of view they have no hope of improvement or can no longer avoid pain.”

2. Love the sick

In 2018, the Vatican held a seminar on health management ethics. During the meeting, Pope Francis expressed concern for the public health crisis and explained that it's up to experts to keep patients from choosing euthanasia.

“We are experiencing a strong universal trend toward the legalization of euthanasia. Even in these harsh circumstances, if the person feels loved, respected, and accepted, the negative shadow of euthanasia disappears or becomes almost non-existent. This is because the value of his/her being is measured by the ability to give and receive love, and not by his/her productivity.”

The pope asked them to treat the sick with “respect for their autonomy and with a heavy burden of availability, understanding and dialogue.”

3. We don't have absolute power

During an emotional speech in 2018, at the congress organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Pope Francis explained why we should see the body and life as a gift.

“The acceptance of our body as a gift from God is vital for welcoming and accepting the entire world as a gift from the Father and our common home. Whereas thinking that we enjoy absolute power over our own bodies turns, often subtly, into thinking that we enjoy an absolute power over creation. Learning to accept your body, to care for it and to respect its fullest meaning, is an essential element of any genuine human ecology.”

4. False Compassion

The pope has stressed the importance of having doctors defend life. In 2017, he asked them to treat the sick with humanity and compassion. He asked them to not feel shame for the patients, but to share their suffering. This is the soul of medicine. 

“The identity and commitment of the physician relies not only on skills, but mainly on a compassionate and merciful attitude towards those who suffer in body and spirit.”

The pope also unmasked doctors who rely on compassion to justify euthanasia.

5. Dignity of life

When defending life, like his predecessors, Pope Francis did not limit the harshness of his words. He said that dignity of life is not linked to well-being and that no life is more sacred than another.

“We are currently living in a time in which life is experimented on... Bad experiments.”
“In a time in which 'life is played with,' beware! This is a sin against the Creator! Against God the Creator!” 

Pope Francis' message about euthanasia has been clear and concise. In the face of discarding life, the pope proposes a keyword: hope.

Daniel Díaz Vizzi
Translated: Rachel Dobrzynski

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