Rome inaugurates exhibition on Cardinal Newman's legacy

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Card. John Henry Newman began his relationship with Rome in 1833 as an Anglican. He then returned twice more before his final visit in 1879, when he was created a cardinal. His story is one of importance and increasing popularity as the date of his canonization approaches.

The British Embassy to the Holy See and the Venerable English College put together this exhibition, “A Saint in Rome,” to showcase Card. Newman's path in Rome.

This exhibit brings together a range of documents from Card. Newman's life that have never been together before. 

Schwarzenbach Research Fellow
“Of particular interest is all the documents from the archives of Propaganda Fide, because we know, we can see exactly what is going on when he is doing his training as a seminarian. Then, when he's ordained first as a deacon, and then as a priest, so that it brings the whole thing together.”

The event showcases each of Newman's visits, where on each occasion he visited the Venerable English College. 

Attending the inauguration of the exhibition was British Ambassador to the Holy See, Sally Axworthy. She recalls this British cardinal's importance, not only to Britain but to the world.

British Ambassador to the Holy See
“So, Cardinal Newman tackled some of the most difficult questions of his time. And many of those questions are still relevant today. He thought, for example, about what faith was, he thought about what it means to be a person of faith in an increasingly secular world. He addressed these questions with enormous honesty, and they resonate now.”

Not only does this exhibit show documents from his life, but also displays sketches of Newman and his official seminarian dress.

This exhibition opens on Oct. 10, and stays open until Oct. 14, just a day after Cardinal Newman's canonization. 

Rachel Dobrzynski

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