Pope to youth from Madagascar: with Jesus, there are always new horizons

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Far from slowing down, Pope Francis ended his first day in Madagascar with those who have the most energy, young people.

They received him with these dances at the beginning of the encounter.

Then Pope Francis listened to the testimony of two young people. The first, Rova, explained that for years he has been a volunteer in a prison with the inmates. The second girl told him she prays every day for her parents to go to church.

The pope referred to Rova's experience to describe that God always looks at people with love and not with a judgmental look.

He does not call us by our sins, our errors, our faults, our limits, but by our name; each of us is precious in His eyes. The devil also knows our names, but he would rather call us by constantly reminding us of our sins and errors. In this way, he makes us feel that however much we do, nothing can ever change, everything will remain the same.

The pope wanted to encourage them. He asked that, despite the many difficulties they experience, they not get carried away by bitterness or shallow promises.

The Lord is the first to tell you no! This is not the way to go. He is alive and He also wants you to be alive. He wants you to share all your gifts and charisms, all your dreams and your talents.
With Jesus, there are always new horizons. He wants to change us and to make our lives a mission. He tells us not to be afraid to get our hands dirty.

Following the pope's words, the party continued. The young people wanted to show him another dance.

Finally, filled with excitement they couldn't contain, everyone rushed to greet Pope Francis. 

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