Former abortionist nurse's spectacular testimony

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Maria Martinez was a nurse at an abortion clinic for two years. Each day she carried out around 15 abortions.

“God allowed me to go to what I call 'the level of hell.'”

“These hands killed innocent souls.”

“Who are these innocent souls? Well, children and babies.”

After becoming a nurse, she studied physiotherapy and opened up her own practice. She made a lot of money, ran marathons and had an attractive social life. However, this perfect lifestyle vanished the day her husband left her. It was then she realized her life was empty.

“I saw I had nothing. I didn't have my husband. I didn't have my marriage. I didn't have my family. I had nothing. At that moment I felt a terrible pain, because everything I was supposed to have, everything I fought for was worthless. The only thing that was really important was now lost: my husband, my marriage, my family, my home.”

Maria Martinez thought about committing suicide on her planned trip to Nepal to assist after an earthquake. However, while there she met the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Soon after this encounter she converted and changed her original name, Amaya, to Maria.

“How do I get cured? Well, by staying with them every day. I went with the poorest of the poor, those who really have nothing.”

“Why? Because these sisters give dignity back to every woman they pick up from the street. They transform them from feeling like a piece of garbage to restoring their dignity. They bring them Jesus and these people rise again. For example, look at me. They picked up my broken heart from the street and brought me back to life.”

After the success of her testimony on social networks, Maria now visits schools, parishes and television stations. In one month, she went to Valencia, Bilbao, Burgos, Barcelona, Girona and Madrid. Throughout the summer she will travel to Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica and Peru to tell her story. 

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