Cardinal Sergio Obeso Rivera has died, there now remains 119 cardinals electors

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On August 11, Cardinal Sergio Obeso Rivera died. He was 87-year-old. The cardinal is remembered for his pastoral work in Mexico. He presided over his country's Episcopal Conference three times.

Due to his age he could not vote in another conclave. However, in recognition for his service he was elected a cardinal by Pope Francis at the age of 86.

With the death of Cardinal Obeso Rivera, the College of Cardinals is now composed of 216 members, including 97 non-electors.

However. until Aug. 2019, there will only be 119 voters for another conclave. A number less than the maximum of 120 stipulated in the Constitution Romano Pontifici Eligendo.

Out of the total number of voters: 18 were selected by John Paul II, 44 were created by Benedict XVI and 57 by Pope Francis.

During the remainder of 2019, five of the 119 voters will turn 80. As a consequence they will become non-electors due to the age limit.

Although Pope Francis' announcements are unpredictable, perhaps in the coming months he will announce a consistory for the election of new cardinals.

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