Carpentry, mechanics, and chocolate help promote work culture in Venezuela

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Around 10 years ago, in the hectic streets of Caracas, a project began that seeks to bring hope to the most remote areas of Venezuela.

It is called “Trabajo y Persona,” and is a non-profit civil association. Its aim is to restore the value of work in Venezuelan society and the dignity of the person.

President, Trabajo y Persona
“We do it through the development of different training programs for women and young people from low class backgrounds in Venezuela. It mainly offers education in trades and entrepreneurship at the basic level.”

Its projects include training low-income young people for entrepreneurship in the sector of furniture, mechanics, hairdressing and even in the chocolate industry.

Additionally, they are promoting a training project for carers, focused on assisting people who need special attention during the current situation in Venezuela.

The outcome so far has been positive both for society and for the workers. 

President, Trabajo y Persona
“It is interesting the trade and work they undertake. They manage to get ahead in society and allows them to support their family. This is very important, especially during these moments in Venezuela. It gives hope to people. This is because they trust more in themselves and in what they are capable of doing.”

All this they have been able to develop thanks to alliances with training centers, universities, private companies, NGOs and European public institutions. It is an organization dedicated to giving hope.

President, Work and Person
“We're living through moments of darkness, difficult moments. However, as one of my daughters says, 'Even if a drop of water falls, there is always a little bit of blue sky.' If we come and work together we can move forward.”

This project is driven by a passion and desire to improve the life of people in Venezuela.

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