Discernment Do's and Don'ts: book to help young people find their vocation

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On March 25, Pope Francis went to Loreto to sign his new Apostolic Exhortation on youth called “Christ Lives.” During his meeting, the pope had this to say to young people when discerning their vocation. 


“We must be ready and available to listen and welcome God's voice. We cannot look inside ourselves in the midst of noise and agitation. His design for our personal and social life cannot be perceived by staying on the surface, but by going to a deeper level, where moral and spiritual forces act. There, Mary invites young people to look inside, to pay attention to God's action.'

“Discernment Do's and Don'ts” is a new book that seeks to also help young people discern their vocation. It is written by Fr. George Elliot, co-founder and Director of Catholic CAST Media. It is an organization, that seeks to evangelize through digital platforms.

The book comes out of his experience from high school and college ministry. In it he examines the various stages of discernment.

According to Fr. George Elliot, it is important young people, who are sincerely searching for their vocation, not to rush discernment.

Author, Discernment Do's and Don'ts

“God works on His own time and therefore if God has not led a person to a vocation, they shouldn't really be stressing about it. They shouldn't be trying to rush the whole process. God loves them more than they love themselves. God knows what is best for them and He is preparing them.”

He notes the importance of a spiritual director, or a well-formed Catholic to help one hear God's voice. 

Fr. George Elliot also challenges the misinterpretation many people may have of a religious calling. He says that although the celibate vocation is an important calling, this does not mean it is superior or the only one. 

Author, Discernment Do's and Don'ts

'What makes a calling better than another is the one that God made you for. So if God is calling you to marriage, that is the best vocation for you. If God is calling you to religious life or priesthood, that is the best vocation for you. ”

He hopes young people, after reading the book, will have a clearer understanding of what vocations are available and how to discern it. 

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