Sri Lanka's choir singing in Church after massacre of 100 parishioners

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This is Colombo's shrine in Sri Lanka, 30 days after a suicide bomber killed around 100 people and left dozens injured during Mass. Since then, Liturgical celebrations have taken place in this chapel.

The terrorist attack killed many people, yet people there have not lost faith. The children's choir is not afraid to participate in Mass with police security.

Director of St.Anthony Choir
“By God and St.Anthony's grace, none of the staff and choir were injured badly. Only two choristers, who were celebrating the Mass, that day. One girl could not hear for a few hours as her ear was damaged. The other girl was in a state of trauma after seeing everything that occurred. However, except these cases everyone was safe.”

One month after the tragedy, the 21-year-old St. Anthony choir director offers a message of reconciliation.

Director of St. Anthony Choir
“Our Lord is a God of love, mercy, compassion and forgiveness. We come to Church to listen to His words and we were raised up by His words. We forgive them. We forgive them for what they did. This is because at the end of the day whoever died due to these attacks have gone to Our Lord. They are in Heaven in a happy place right now. Although the process was gruesome, we believe they are with God now praying for all of us and for our protection. ”

In the past weeks, for security reasons, it was not possible to celebrate Mass for the general public. These young people felt privileged.

Director of St. Anthony Choir
“We are happy at least we get this. This is because for at least almost four or three weeks the people outside, who are not a part of the choir, altar servers, collectors, were unable to celebrate Mass. At least we got that chance no matter how small the place is. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day we are with God. ”

Representatives from Aid to the Church in Need managed to share a day with them. There they witnessed the spirit of reconciliation and the faith of Sri Lankan Catholics during the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.

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