During the Regina Coeli the pope explained the meaning of Jesus' words at the last supper with the disciples. On that occasion he gave them a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.”
“What is new in this commandment that Jesus entrusts to his disciples?” 'Love one another as I have loved you.' All this newness is in the love of Jesus Christ. He gave His life for us. It is about God's love, universal, unconditional and without limits”
Pope Francis said this novelty constitutes a revolution because it indicates that one must imitate God's way of loving. This is a self-giving love, without conditions and capable of overcoming resentment.
'I'll ask you a question. Let each one answer in their own heart. Am I able to love my enemies? We all know people who... I don't know if they are enemies, but who don't agree with us, who are on the other side. Or someone who has hurt me. Am I able to love these people?'
The pope stressed the importance of developing a capacity to relate to others so one is able to overcome their defects and limitations in order to accept them and forgive them from the heart.