Pope presides at Way of the Cross: Lord, may we see all the crosses of the world on Your cross

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Thousands gathered around the Colosseum to participate in the Way of the Cross with Pope Francis. As usual the cross was carried around this historic monument. This year the readings reflected on the horrors of human trafficking; especially of girls and women, during the 14 stations of the cross.

“Let us think of all those children in various parts of the world.

Like the young girl with a slim body we met one evening in Rome while men in luxury cars lined up to exploit her. She might have been the age of their own children.”

Prostitution, hunger and loneliness. The texts described the harsh reality faced daily by refugees and migrants abandoned to their fate.

“Where are the new Cyrenians of the third millennium?”

“May their example inspire in us a commitment to stand by all those dying today on calvaries throughout the world: in transit camps, on boats denied entry to safe ports.”

At the end of the Way of the Cross, the pope recited a litany that calls for action against all crimes and sins that scourge the world; and are sometimes committed by members of the Church itself, such as abuses.


“Lord Jesus, help us to see on Your Cross all the crosses of the world.

The cross of the little ones, wounded in their innocence and purity. The cross of humanity that wanders in the darkness of uncertainty and the culture of the moment.

Lord Jesus, rekindle in us the hope of resurrection and of Your final victory against all evil and all death. Amen.”

Throughout the Way of the Cross, the pope looked saddened. Good Friday is a day where all Christians silently contemplate the weight of evil.

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