Card. Marc Ouellet: the Holy Eucharist expresses one's union with the pope

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In preparation for the upcoming celebration of Easter, Card. Marc Ouellet, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, has written this book “The Gift of Communion.”

It offers a reflection on the three days of the celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
“This is the heart of the spirituality of the Church.” “I have shared some of my homilies and talks on these mysteries to help people integrate the depth of our Christian faith.”

Many of the texts included in the book, come from his meditations and homilies during Holy Week 2017. There he had preached to the nuns of Iesu Communio, a Spanish Women's Religious Institute; and a large group of young people in discernment.

According to Card. Ouellet, one of the important themes for the book is the Catholic belief in the mystery of the Trinity. He says this mystery is made accessible through the Church sacraments, particularly in the Eucharist. 

Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
“We live in communion with the Divine Persons. This gift of God is penetrating our human relationships. It is fostering in us paternal, filial, fraternal and freedom in love, in friendships, in search of holiness.”

As Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, he says that it is also through the Holy Eucharist that one expresses their union with the pope. 

Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops
“Everything is lived out through the Eucharist. It is the key, the source of communion is the Holy Eucharist. We are bond to the successor of Peter for whom we pray in each Eucharist; and to express how much we are one with him. He is our Shepard and we go together with the people of God with him as our head.”

He hopes this book will invite people to contemplate in adoration and with gratitude the mystery of love through the One Triune God. 

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