Religious Sister miraculously cured in Lourdes tells her incredible story in new book

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Bernadette Moriau's story is a miraculous one. She is one of the most recent to be healed after visiting the Marian shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. She tells her incredible experience in this book My life is a miracle. The Latest Healing of Lourdes.

The life of this French Sister changed completely on July 11, 2008. After 42 years of a degenerative and paralyzing illness, she felt she could walk again.

She endured the last 14 years taking morphine daily, wearing a corset and depending on an electrostimulation machine. 

She was healed completely, immediately and inexplicably after receiving a blessing of the sick at the shrine of Lourdes. Ten years of medical research on the healing confirm this. Bernadette has nothing but beautiful words to speak of Lourdes.

“In Lourdes we encounter the Blessed Mother, the presence of universal fraternity, and the welcoming of the most fragile. It is a place where there is no difference between pilgrims who arrive on their own feet and the sick brought in wheelchairs. Through service to the sick, Jesus is present and the sick offer a lot to those who care for them. I encourage young people to come to Lourdes to help the sick, because you receive much more than you give.”

Besides physically living her illness, Sr. Bernadette is also a nurse. She accompanies many others on pilgrimages to shrines like Lourdes'. She says there are many lessons to learn through illness. 

“From the sick we learn to become small, because we do not have the answer to the suffering of the others. We learn patience, we learn to live the present as a gift even though we depend on others. FLASH 'I continue to go to Lourdes to pray for the sick, to accompany them, not with words or speeches, but simply by being there with them and helping them.”

Her healing was presented in Rome. She was accompanied by the bishop of the Diocese of Beauvais who officially declared the story of Sr. Bernadette a miracle.

Bishop of Beauvais, France

“It is something that cannot be explained on a scientific level. At the same time it means there was Divine intervention, at least for us believers.”

The book also includes a section with texts from the medical commission and statements certifying the rapid and miraculous healing of Sr. Bernadette. It is the 70th miracle recognized by the French sanctuary.

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