Pope Francis remembers abuses and infidelities as the worst part of 2018

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The pope recalled both the sorrows and joys of 2018 before the leaders of the Curia.

In the traditional annual Christmas meeting, Pope Francis said that the 'boat of the Church' has been hit by 'storms and hurricanes.'

He cited two evils of particular concern: sexual abuse and grave infidelities of Church people. The pope vigorously requested that cases of sexual abuse be reported.

'Even if it were only a single case of abuse, which already represents a monstrosity, the Church asks not to be silent and to bring it objectively to light. Because the biggest scandal on this issue is hiding the truth.'

Let it be clear that before these abominations the Church will spare no effort to do all that is necessary to bring to justice to whosoever has committed such crimes. The Church will never seek to silence or not take seriously any case.

In February 2019, there will be a summit on abuse in which the president of every episcopal conference in the world will participate.

Pope Francis said this meeting will be another occasion to continue a path of 'purification' of the Church.

On the other hand, the pope spoke about his other great concern: the infidelity of those who 'betray their vocation, their oath, their mission, their consecration to God and to the Church.' He warned that the path of betrayal is sometimes full of good intentions.

'We have the duty to combat all spiritual corruption. It is worse than the fall of a sinner, because it is a comfortable and self-sufficient blindness, where everything seems lawful in the end.'

One great joy of the year was the Synod of young people and the big and small steps taking place in reforming the Curia. He also mentioned the blessed and saints canonized this year, especially the martyrs of Algeria. Although what stood out most was the secret sanctity of so many Christians. They live without publicly displaying how they are improving the world around them. 

'People forgotten by the media without which darkness would reign. People who work patiently for love of Christ and his Gospel, in favor of the poor. There are also saints in the Curia.'

At the end of the meeting, the pope told the cardinals and those in charge of the Curia his Christmas gift to them this year is a spiritual book. It's to help them reform their hearts and the Church.

Anuncio en el que salen 3 ordenadores marca Medion y algunas especificaciones
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