Vatican seeks to address global problem to lack of access to drinkable water

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According to the World Health Organization 2.1 billion people do not have 'safely managed water', and 844 million do not even have access to 'basic drinking water service.'

In response to these rising concerns, the Vatican have held this conference to discuss and seek solutions to it. 

Among the many participants is Caritas Internationalis. One of their recent projects was providing drinkable water in Cambodia. 

After being struck by two typhoons in two consecutive years, Caritas has built water gates and canals; and teach the local communities how to better sustain themselves. 

According to Adriana, International Advocacy Officer for Caritas, three things need to be done to assist better with this global problem of water. 

Caritas Internationalis

“More awareness about peoples rights to water, sanitation and hygiene is needed. Ensuring the right to water is the responsibility of all. It is not just a thing the government should do for the people. It is so vital to involve local communities make them responsible for their own future; and make them aware of their own rights and really manage their resources to their best.”

Adriana Opromolla says that water is not just a resource but an essential right to life. It is not something to provide just to be charitable.

Moreover, the president of Waterlines has noted that studies show half of all hospitals in low income countries lack pipe water; and the situation is not improving fast enough. 

He believes the Catholic Church can play a critical role in promoting other faith based institutions. This is to take more action in providing accessible drinkable water in their hospitals. 

President of Waterlines

“One is the water and the sanitation conditions in that health care facility is adequate; and two if it is not we will take steps to improve the conditions.”

The conference has been focused around Pope Francis 2015 encyclical Laudato si'. It is hoped this conference will promote further the global action needed to address the accessibility to drinkable water for all.

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