Pope with young and elderly people: Welcoming immigrants is a biblical mandate

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This big applause from young and elderly people received Pope Francis during a very special meeting.

The pope wanted to listen to both young and elderly people. However, at this meeting he also wanted them to listen to each other.

First the young people wanted to know how to achieve happiness in a society where everything seems false. Pope Francis recommended them to take risks in life and to follow the path of service to others. 

Then this couple of grandparents asked for advice in order to transmit the faith effectively to the new generations. 

“First of all, don't be afraid, don't lose your peace, always have peace by speaking with the Lord: 'We have transmitted faith and now' Be calm. Never try to convince because faith does not grow, the Church does not grow. Faith does not grow by proselytism, it grows by attraction. This is a phrase of Benedict XVI. This is to say it grows by testimony.”

Fiorella, 83, a teacher for immigrants and refugees, told the pope that she is concerned about the cruelty with which these people are treated. Pope Francis recalled that he himself is the son of immigrants and offered a profound reflection on the situation. 

“Welcoming the immigrant is a biblical command 'because you yourself were an immigrant in Egypt.' Let young people know how populism begins. There has been some harsh but very true words said, 'sow hatred.' We can't live by sowing hatred. What do I do when I see that the Mediterranean is a cemetery? I tell you the truth: I suffer, I pray and I speak. We cannot accept this suffering. We cannot say, 'one suffers everywhere,' and go on with our lives. No. This cannot be.”

The last one to ask was an famous guest, the well-known film director Martin Scorsese. The filmmaker wanted to know how to deal with the problem of evil in the world. The pope offered him this formula.

“Closeness, closeness works miracles, such as non-violence, gentleness, tenderness... These human virtues, which seem small, are capable of transforming the most difficult and terrible conflicts.”

The event, part of the Synod on Youth, was held to present the book 'Sharing the Wisdom of Time' in which the pope participated and which gathers life stories of older people from more than 30 countries.

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