Ice Cream parlor that not only scoops up dessert but looks out for its community

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Jewel Lake Tastee Freez is an ice cream parlor in the city of Anchorage, Alaska. However, ice cream isn't the only service the place provides.

The owner Rich Owens, bought this business from a Christian family 24 years ago who wanted the importance of the community to always be its basis.

Among the numerous ways the business tries to support the community one of them is through the donations they make to over 100 organizations each year. 

According to Rich, it is also a place where parents send their children to learn good work ethics and important values for life.

Owner, Jewel Lake Tastee Freez
“We try to emphasize when we get a new employee that you got to have your priorities straight: your family is your first priority, school is your second and work is your third.” “How to share and help the community and be apart of a family?'

Before owning this business, Rich was working for a large corporation but he was not content and always wanted to work a family business. 

Owner, Jewel Lake Tastee Freez
“It was not difficult for me to leave a large corporation, where you had benefits and good salary...” “Because I knew that in the end eventually I would have to do that in order to be truly happy you...” “So many times I have made decisions based on my heart and later on I find out that was the right thing to do.”

The franchise has granted him recognition as Worker of the Year in 2006 and 2015. Rich wants to show the importance of how using one's talents can be used to help others. 

Owner, Jewel Lake Tastee Freez
“I like to be able to show people that you can be active and involved in the community and, you know, be generous with your time, talent and treasure and you will experience a special type of happiness.”

In celebrating their 60th anniversary, according to Rich, the business continues to hold special memories for former employees and customers. 

Even Anchorage's new Archbishop Paul Etienne has quickly noticed the impact Rich Owen's business has had on the community, saying “We can always use more people with such strong Faith and enthusiasm for the care of the Church and our people, especially our youth.”

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