A mother forgives those who killed her young sons for being Christian

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Last May, three churches in Indonesia’s second-largest city, Surabaya, were attacked by a suicide bombing family. They killed 13 people and injured dozens.

When in Indonesia, Benedict Rogers found the faith of Christians in the midst of persecution incredibly inspiring. He is the East Asia Team Leader for Christian Solidarity Worldwide, an organization specializing in religious freedom. 

Rogers discovered the forgiveness of a mother of the family who killed her young sons, only two days after the incident.

East Asia Team Leader, CSW
“She said publicly, 'I forgive the bombers. Our Mother, blessed Mother Mary, lost her own son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore I must also forgive those who took my sons.'”

According to Rogers, the Indonesian President Joko Widodo's recent appointment of Ma'ruf Amin, an Islamic cleric known for repressing religious minorities, as his vice presidential candidate raises further concerns about the country's commitment to protecting all Indonesians.  

East Asia Team Leader for CSW
“Two things that should be done. One is to strengthen, in some way, support for those Muslims in Indonesia who do support pluralism and religious freedom...” “Try to encourage mainstream politicians in Indonesia to stop, if you like flirting, with the Islamists and with the extremists and to stand up for what I believe what they truly believe in which is a moderate pluralistic society.”

Indonesia is a Muslim majority nation, which according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, until recently has had a reputation as being a role-model for protecting freedom of religion. 

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