“If you are a Christian in North Korea you certainly will end up in a prison for the rest of your life”

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Christian Solidarity Worldwide is a Christian human rights organization specializing in religious freedom. Founded initially in response to the persecution of Christians around the world, they also work for communities such as the Ahmadiyya, Rohingya and Bahá'í.

Benedict Rogers is its East Asia Team Leader and has been involved with issues regarding North Korea and China. 

According to Benedict Rogers, Christians in North Korea have no religious freedom and suffer if caught practicing their faith.

East Asia Team Leader for CSW
“If you are a Christian in North Korea and you are discovered to be a Christian, if you are found to possess a bible in your home, if you are found to be meeting with other Christians to pray, you certainly will end up in a prison camp for probably for the rest of your life, in some cases you might be executed.”

This persecution of religion in North Korea, Benedict says, is because it's regime demands total loyalty to the ruling Kim family and is especially intolerant to Christians.

East Asia Team Leader for CSW
“The Kim family is almost, almost, treated as a deity in North Korean society...” “I think it associates Christians in some ways with the West, with America, with South Korea of course.” “It sees this belief system that gives people, you know, faith, hope and courage and its afraid of it.'

According to Benedict Rogers, Christians in China also suffer persecution and president Xi Jinping has built a cult of personality. 

East Asia Team Leader for CSW
“In certain places where, for example, Christians who have either a cross or perhaps a painting of Our Lord, on the wall, the police come in and ask them to remove that, and replace it with a picture of Xi Jinping.”

As Christians in China still experience the closing down of Churches and removal of crosses, thirty four churches in Beijing have issued a declaration calling on the government to respect basic freedom and religious rights. 

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