Classic Vespa motorcycle given to pope as a gift

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Not one single detail is missing from this Vespa which has been totally personalized for Pope Francis. His initials, B for Bergoglio and F for Francis; the year of the pope's birth, 1936; the date of the gift, September 2, 2018; and even the papal coat of arms and Francis' name written in silver letters are all included.

The 'Vespa nel tempo' club has donated this classic model, a 1971 Vespa 50 R, to the pope. 

'Have you ever been on a Vespa?'

'Of course.'

'He's a great fan. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So are you.'

It was personally taken to the pope by those in charge of this club. The two also conveniently organized a fan gathering for this symbolic vehicle in Rome.

'In the square there are 600 of them with Vespas parked in the square.'

'Oh, that's good!'

The motorbike is a gift that this fan club has given to the pope for the apostolic almsgiving. For this reason, the Papal Almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, was in charge of driving it away. 

'The helmet, the helmet.'

'No, no, no, no... they won't give me a ticket at the Vatican.'

Thus, he ignored their advice and committed a notorious traffic violation while inside the Vatican: not wearing a helmet.

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