The pope held an encounter with these young Jesuits who are attending a formation course in Rome on the topic “Youth, vocation and communication,” in light of the Synod due to take place in October.
Pope Francis told them one cannot be a Jesuit without freedom and that a Jesuit's mission is going to the peripheries, whether physical or mental.
Later, the Holy Father responded to a question the students had prepared for him. They wanted to know how to help young people who cannot find work.
“Perhaps this is one of the most painful problems among young people because it touches the heart of a person. Someone who doesn't have any work feels that he or she doesn't have any dignity.”
The pope told them one of the reasons for this youth unemployment is that economics has created a cruel system based on speculation.
“At the center of all of this should be a man, the issue of the personhood, of the human person, man and woman. For me, today, this is a great sin against the dignity of the human person.”
To conclude, he recommended they study the examples of two Jesuits like them, St. Peter Faber and Fr. Pedro Arrupe.