Beatification process begins for Chiara Corbella, who saved baby by delaying her own treatment

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With this decree, the cardinal vicar of Rome opens the beatification cause of Italian Chiara Corbella. 

The text recalls her death on June 13, 2012, and says she exemplarily faced “difficult situations like the death of two children shortly after birth.”

The document also reminds that “during her third pregnancy, she was diagnosed with a tumor. Treatment would have put the child's life in danger, but its efficiency would have been compromised if not applied. She decided to wait until the baby was born.”

Corbella is considered an example of love being “greater than fear or death.”

Her reputation for holiness has spread through Italy. Her biography has also become a best-seller, even in English and Spanish. Videos that share her story have thousands of views. 

Now, the postulator will begin to gather testimony to show with concrete facts that she lived like a saint. 

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