Pope to create 14 new cardinals this Thursday

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On Thursday, June 28, Pope Francis will create new cardinals for the fifth time. There are 14 bishops coming from countries such as Japan, India, Iraq, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru and Madagascar.

The ceremony will consist of the imposition of the biretta, the handing over of the cardinal ring and being assigned a Church of Rome.

One of the key players is Louis Sako, patriarch of Baghdad. He hopes that his appointment will bring hope to his people, after so many years of war.

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, on the other hand, is in Rome and in charge of the pope's charitable works. He is 54 years old and is the youngest cardinal to be appointed in recent years.

After this consistory, there will be 125 cardinals under the age of 80 with the right to participate in a possible conclave. Of these cardinals, 20 were created by John Paul II, 46 by Benedict XVI and 59 by Pope Francis.

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