Pope sends a message of condolences for victims of Fuego volcano in Guatemala

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The strong eruption of the Fuego volcano last Sunday in Guatemala has left almost 70 people dead, with numbers still rising.

There are several areas in the south of the country that rescue teams have still not been able to reach.

It is estimated that the eruption, the most violent since 1974, affected nearly one and a half million Guatemalans.

In the face of such tragedy, Pope Francis has sent a telegram in which he acknowledges that he is deeply sorry and regrets the depth of both human and material losses. The pope also assures that he is praying for the eternal rest of the deceased and for all who suffer the consequences of this natural disaster.

Finally, the Holy Father sends his condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives and the injured. He also expresses his spiritual closeness to all those who assist them.

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