Expert in facial reconstruction gives 800-year-old saint her face back

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She was born in the Czech Republic in 1220 and was known for her great works of charity. It's been nearly 800 years since her birth, and she can now be admired in the St. Lorenzo Basilica in her homeland. 

It was made possible thanks to the reconstruction of her face by a group of Czech and Brazilian experts using the latest technologies. 

Artist Cicero Morae and Czech geophysicist Jiří Šindelář headed the project. Cicero, who is Brazilian, has reconstructed the faces of more than 10 Catholic saints, such as St. Anthony of Padua or St. Valentine. 

Facial reconstruction expert, 3D Design
“Many times, people look at relics and don't make the connection, but when there's a face, the person stops to look at that image with more humanity. Many times, we also look at images that don't match the real-life person.”

The reconstruction process takes about a week. Cicero assures he wants his work to help people identify saints more easily. 

It's surely a great technological advancement that will bring together future generations and those of centuries and centuries ago. 

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