Exhibition series "The Ages of Man" changes the view of sacred art in Spain

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One of the most visited exhibitions in Spain is about Sacred Art. It started with the idea of valuing the artistic heritage of churches, and its devotional character.

It is the series 'The Ages of Man,' and this year's topic is entitled 'Mons Dei.' It's a nod to the rich meaning of the mountain in the Christian symbolic tradition and in the religious history of humanity.

It can be visited until November in Aguilar de Campoo, in northern Spain. This year's edition is divided between two venues: a church from the late 12th century and another from the 14th century.

It includes works ranging from Romanesque to contemporary art. They are pieces of stone, ivory, wood and paper, made by artists such as Goya, El Greco, Alonso Cano and Pedro Berruguete. 

It's an opportunity to rediscover beauty that speaks of God and leads one closer to Him.

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