Catholic author urges parents to “keep the flame of faith alive”

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According to Pew Research Center, nearly a third of Americans no longer have any religious affiliation. To prevent further decline, author John Wood believes Catholic parents are called upon more than ever to properly educate their children in the faith. 

His new book “The Light Entrusted to You: Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive” is a guide for implementing Catholic elements into families at various stages in a child's development. 

Author, “The Light Entrusted To You”

“To create a kind of 'saints-in-the-making university,' because our goal and dream for our kids is to raise saints. It's not just a book, it's supposed to be a program to walk with the parents on their journey as that child is raised in the home to help them learn and love the faith and then go out and share it with the rest of the world.”

The titles of the book's six sections form the acronym “SAINTS.” Whether reading the “Athletics” section or “Need To Know Him,” information is presented in a conversational tone, as Wood assures he's just a normal Catholic parent. Although he never considered himself a writer, positive response to his parish talks prompted him to put his thoughts on paper.  

Author, “The Light Entrusted To You”

“People wanted to know, 'Where did your passion, where did your zeal for your Catholic faith, your knowledge of your Catholic faith, where did it all come from?' I wanted to share those resources that have helped me as a lay person without that theology degree to learn and fall in love with my faith.”

As more and more young people leave the Church, Wood wants fellow parents to develop that same zeal for their faith and properly spark the same flame in their children's hearts. 

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