Pope in Molfetta: the Eucharist is the 'trademark' of the Christian

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The pope arrived in Molfetta by helicopter. He then started his tour in the popemobile, greeting the thousands of people who were waiting for him on the promenade.

Pope Francis celebrated Mass in this city, where Tonino Bello was bishop.

In his homily, the pope reflected on two fundamental elements of the Christian life: the Bread and the Word.


“He is Bread broken for us and he who receives it in turn, becomes broken bread. They do not become inflated with pride, but give themselves to others. They stop living for themselves, for their own success, to have something or to become someone. They live for Jesus and like Jesus, meaning for the others. Living for others is the mark of those who eat this Bread, the 'trademark' of the Christian.”

The pope quoted Tonino Bello, the so-called 'bishop of the poor,' on several occasions. He had said the Eucharist without charity is 'an incomplete sacrament.' That is why Pope Francis asked this question.


“We can ask ourselves: is this sacrament realized in me? More concretely: do I like only being served at God's table or do I get up to serve, like the Lord? Do I give in my life that which I receive at Mass? And as a Church we can ask ourselves: after receiving communion so many times, are we becoming people of communion?”

Pope Francis assured that the Eucharist converts Christians into constructors of peace. Additionally, he explained that the Word of God must be heard and put into practice. 


“How can the Gospel resolve the world's problems? What is the use of doing good in the midst of so much evil? So we fall into the mistakes of those paralyzed people who argue about Jesus' words instead of preparing to welcome the life change that He asks of us.'

Finally, the pope encourages all Christians to be bearers of hope, the 'Cyrenean of joy,' as Bishop Tonino Bello said. It's a reference to Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross with Jesus. 

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