Trafficked victim to UN Special Advisor: I represent the one. I have a name. I have a face.

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At the young age of seven, this woman was stolen from her parents in India and sold into child slavery. She was kept in a cage and beaten by her master, until she was so sick and bruised that her traffickers thought she would die. 

UN Special Advisor to fight Human Trafficking

'I was held in a cage. They called it seasoning for submission. So a seven-year-old child would listen to the master and submit. We're talking about a human being, myself, being captive. They said I wasn't any value. My traffickers did not see any value in myself as a human being, but they wanted one more profit, so my owner, my master, sold me to international adoption.”

She was adopted by an American family, where she had to learn how to communicate once again and look people in the eyes. This period gave her back the voice she lost during this time and now, she has worked for 18 years helping other victims and sharing her story. 

UN Special Advisor to fight Human Trafficking

“I'm representing the one. I want you to remember the one. I have a name. I have a face and I had a mother and father who loved me.” 

Today, her story is educating nations through her work with the UN. Her hope is to inspire other countries to create and implement laws so trafficking ends.

UN Special Advisor to fight Human Trafficking

“It is very much prevalent, sometimes we don't want to believe that, but it is very prevalent. The difference is in drug trafficking, for drugs you might use it one time, but people, they sell over and over and over again.”

Now Rani and her husband Trong, who is also a victim of being a child soldier in Vietnam, have founded The Tronie Foundation. It is a global UN organization that by raising awareness, seeks to protect vulnerable children from human trafficking and slavery on every continent.  

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