Evo Morales' delicate encounter with pope a few weeks before papal trip to Chile

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'Brother pope...'

'How are you? Good?'

'What a joy!'

It was the fifth time they have met, but the third time the Bolivian President Evo Morales visits the pope at the Vatican.

Before speaking behind closed doors, the pope unveiled one of the secrets to his health.

'Work, work rejuvenates.'

According to the Vatican, during the meeting 'appreciation was expressed for the contribution the Church has given and continues to ensure in favor of the human, social and cultural progress of the population of the country,' and 'various themes of common interest were evoked.'

Evo Morales released additional details with this message on Twitter. 'Bolivia still has very good memories of his visit in July 2015 and his support for the process of change and for #SeaforBolivia.'

The pope will travel to Chile in January, and Evo Morales likely asked him to support their request to recover territory lost during the War of the Pacific, so that Bolivia has an outlet to the sea.

The Chilean ambassador said the international law case at The Hague, in the Netherlands, will soon make a decision. He prefers no world leader intervene until there is a sentence.

During this meeting between Evo Morales and the pope there was not an exchange of gifts, which is a rare occurrence.

Perhaps this is after the last exchange of gifts between them the previous year, with insistent advice about the coca leaf.

Or when in Bolivia, he handed Pope Francis this crucifix with the sickle and the hammer, a Communist symbol.

When they finished, the pope accompanied Evo Morales out, where he asked for prayers.

'May God bless you, pray for me.'

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