President of Paraguay visits the pope in the Vatican for fourth time

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It is the president of Paraguay, Horacio Cartes' fourth visit with the pope.

'Are you tired of this Paraguayan? Sorry for being so bothersome...”

'It is a pleasure for me...'

The president told him that it would be his last meeting as head of state, because in April there are elections in Paraguay, and he has no plans to run again.

As a gift, Horacio Cartes brought the pope an image of Our Lady of Caacupé, the patron saint of the country. He also showed the photos of the neighborhood they are building to help people from Bañado Norte. The pope visited this marginal area of Asunción, which periodically floods.

So the pope could learn about other fruits of his trip to Paraguay, Cartes gave him a tablet containing videos of people who tell how Pope Francis' visit two years ago changed their lives.

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