Pope Francis began a new catechesis series on the Eucharist, which he will expand upon in the coming weeks.
The pope called the sacrament “the very 'heart' of the Church and the source of her life.” He pointed to the martyrs as testaments to the vitality of the Eucharist.
“How many martyrs have died to defend the Eucharist! Their witness confirms our Lord’s promise that by partaking of his body and blood we pass with him from death to life.”
Pope Francis also invited Christians to reflect on the Mass as an “offering of praise and thanksgiving.”
'Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today begins a new series of catecheses devoted to the Eucharist. The Mass is the very “heart” of the Church and the source of her life. How many martyrs have died to defend the Eucharist! Their witness confirms our Lord’s promise that by partaking of his body and blood we pass with him from death to life (cf. Jn 6:54). At every celebration of Mass, our lives, offered in union with Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, become, in him, an offering of praise and thanksgiving pleasing to the Father, for the salvation of the world. The liturgical renewal called for by Second Vatican Council sought to help the faithful understand more fully and share more fruitfully in the Eucharist. At Mass, Jesus becomes truly present and allows us in some way, like the Apostle Thomas, to touch his flesh and renew our faith in him. In coming weeks, we will seek to grow in our appreciation of this great gift, so as to share more fully in its spiritual riches and beauty, which give ultimate meaning and direction to our lives.
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, particularly the groups from New Zealand, the Philippines, Korea, Canada and the United States of America. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.'