Pope Francis meets again with Noel Díaz, founder of ESNE TV/Radio

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A few weeks ago, Pope Francis welcomed Noel Díaz, founder of the Catholic television network El Sembrador, to the Vatican. 

The pope learned of his story during his trip to Mexico in 2016. There, Noel asked for Pope Francis' permission to shine his shoes, the service Noel did in order to pay for his First Communion attire. The act made a profound impression on the pope. 

Founder, ESNE Television/Radio

“He was very, very friendly. The first thing he said to me was 'Did you come to polish my boots again?' I let him know about the work we are doing as a ministry bringing evangelization through media. He looked very moved. More than once he told me: 'Thank you so much for the work that you all are doing' and obviously not only to me, but to everyone who contributes, who is part of the El Sembrador family.”

Noel gave the pope a Bible from El Sembrador and a cross with a mustard seed, alluding to the evangelical parable. 

Founder, ESNE Television/Radio

“The pope told me again: 'keep working, keep evangelizing, keep going to the peripheries.' He reemphasized what he has said since the beginning of his pontificate.”

The news from this meeting is that Noel brought along his family. An unforgettable encounter that shows Pope Francis has not forgotten about this network created by emigrants. 

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