Pope Francis speaks of hope's fulfillment in heaven during the General Audience

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Pope Francis concluded his cathechesis cycle on hope by speaking about hope's fulfillment in paradise. He offered the example of the good thief, who humbly asked for mercy, even at the last moment. 

The pope remembered that “the Lord’s solidarity with us sinners culminates on the cross. There, as one of his final acts, he opens the gates of heaven to a repentant criminal.” Thus, he said no one should be fearful of death, but pray with confident hope, “Jesus, remember me.”


'Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In this, the last of our catecheses on Christian hope, I would like to speak of hope’s fulfillment in heaven. On Calvary, Jesus assures the Good Thief that he will be with him that very day in heaven. The Lord’s solidarity with us sinners culminates on the cross. There, as one of his final acts, he opens the gates of heaven to a repentant criminal. The Good Thief’s humble plea for mercy was sufficient to touch the heart of Jesus.

His humility reminds us that, like the publican in the Temple, or the prodigal Son, we can only trust in God’s mercy, and, at every hour of our life, turn to him with hope in his promises. Jesus died on the cross to redeem our sins, our mistakes and our failings, and to bring us with him to the house of the Father.

He desires that nothing be lost of what he has redeemed. No one, then, should despair, for his grace is always present to those who put their trust in him. The hour of our death need hold no fear for us if, like the Good Thief, we can turn to the Lord and pray in confident hope: “Jesus, remember me” (cf. Lk 23:42).

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, particularly the groups from England, Norway, India, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Canada and the United States of America. I extend a particular welcome to the priests from the Metropolia of Nea Ionia of the Orthodox Church of Greece, accompanied by His Grace Metropolitan Gabriel. Upon all of you, and your families, I invoke joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.'

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