Pope Francis proposes rethinking the market rules which guide society

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The members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences visited the pope to mark their meeting on 'Changing Relations Among Market, State and Civil Society' in the Vatican.

At the meeting, Pope Francis denounced some causes of social exclusion and existential peripheries. 

The first is the increase of inequality and the exploitation of the planet; while another is undignified working conditions. For the pope, both can be resolved because 'they depend not only on different individual forms of behavior, but also the economic rules that a society decides to adopt.'


'We can think of energy production, the job market, the banking system, welfare, the tax system, and the school system. According to how these sectors are planned, there are different consequences on the way in which income and wealth are distributed among those who have participated in their production.'

Pope Francis recalled that if the main purpose is economic benefit, democracy can become a plutocracy, in which those who own wealth will rule over the government.

His proposal is that politics be at the service of people, the common good and nature; and that the market is put at the service of integral human development.

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