In his Monday homily at Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis focused on the parable of the Good Samaritan. He said one who helps another “get up” is on the “right path to Jesus.”
“This is very common habit among us. We see an ugly calamity and pass by and later read about it in the newspapers, painted with a bit of scandal and sensationalism. Instead the Samaritan, a pagan and sinner who was traveling 'saw and did not pass by: he had compassion.' St. Luke describes it well, 'He saw; he had compassion; he went to him and did not remain far away, but went closer.”
He concluded by asking Christians to examine which type of Christian they are and if they constantly are available to help others.
“This is very common habit among us. We see an ugly calamity and pass by and later read about it in the newspapers, painted with a bit of scandal and sensationalism. Instead the Samaritan, a pagan and sinner who was traveling 'saw and did not pass by: he had compassion.' And St. Luke describes it well, 'He saw, he had compassion, he went to him and did not remain far away, but went close by.
'This is the mystery of Christ who became a servant, who humbled and annihilated himself and died for us. Jesus is the Good Samaritan who invited the doctor of the law to do the same. The mystery of Jesus Christ is not a children’s tale, the parable reveals the depth and breadth of the mystery of Jesus Christ. The doctor of the law did not understand the mystery of Christ but he surely understood the human principle behind it - that every man who looks from above at another man down below, does so only to help him get up. One who does this is on the right path to Jesus.'
'The innkeeper understood nothing of this, bewildered at meeting someone who did things he never heard before. This is what happens when one meets Jesus. The Holy Father urged Christians to re-read this parable and examine themselves on their attitude – a robber, a cheater, a corrupt man, a priest, a Catholic manager, or a sinner. Do I approach and make myself a neighbour and servant to those in need like Jesus?.'