Pope Francis describes this as “a book like fire”

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At 1,200 pages and with 1,189 chapters, any book might seem daunting to pick up, especially when it was written over 2000 years ago. To help make this process easier, the YOUCAT Foundation has created the Youth Bible. 

Editorial Coordinator, YOUCAT Foundation

“The Bible is a book through which God speaks. So people are always waiting for revelations, so they always ask God, 'Oh, can you please tell me that and this, but He has already said everything we have to know. It's all written in the Bible and the Youth Bible wants people to get to know the Bible better.”

Through images, photos and drawings, the Youth Bible serves as a guide for young people who want to understand the Word of God even more and delve deeper into their faith. 

Editorial Coordinator, YOUCAT Foundation

“We already got some reactions and they really love it. They love the illustrations, because with the illustrations, they allow a very low-level entrance to the text and they help them understand the text better.”

In addition to talented collaborators working on this project, Pope Francis himself also contributed with a written forward to the book. 

Editorial Coordinator, YOUCAT Foundation

“We got a very good, fantastic forward by Pope Francis and in this forward he says the Bible is a book like fire. FLASH When he says in the forward, that it is a book like fire, that shows us that it's not only literature. It's not only dead words that are 2,000 and more years old, but it's the story that hasn't ended yet.”

This is indeed why the Youth Bible has taken off so well, offering yet another outlet for teens and young adults, in addition to the YOUCAT catechism and the DOCAT social teaching handbook. 

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