U.S. Catholic Bishops confront racism by creating an ad hoc committee

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With the recent racist violence occurring in Charlottesville, further evidence and gatherings involving hate speech and racism have been flying around the internet and media outlets at a rapid pace. 

The United States bishops have responded to this new, emerging challenge with the “highest structural response possible” by creating an ad hoc committee. 

Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism

“It should be plain to see why we need a concerted effort at this moment. The times demand it. Our Gospel demands it. FLASH Racism existed long before the United States was founded, but it survives in a particular and pernicious way here. In recent years, our division has worsened. Hatred is more evident and becoming more mainstream. It has targeted African Americans and other people of color, Jewish people, immigrants and others.”

He admitted that unfortunately racism has not only existed in stereotypical places or in external gestures, but also in the hearts of people, making its way even to some churches. 

However, what many hoped was ancient history has once again erupted with the same level of violence that was seen previously in the country.

Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism

“For these reasons, the bishops of the United States, recognize the need for a sustained effort for this deeply strained moment in our history. FLASH The ad hoc committee will martial resources to engage deeply the questions at the center of the scourge of racism and it will address our need for both national and personal healing and conversion.”

They hope to use this committee as a pathway to open and free dialogue about race and peoples' differences. They will listen to those who have suffered, strive to find a common ground between parties and hopefully eradicate the hatred manifest in people once and for all. 

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